rmason 3 days ago

Seems like a great idea but it's a difficult problem to solve. One of the Code Michigan hackathon winners tried something similar about a decade ago but limited it to the Detroit metro area and if I remember correctly offered delivery. You could order from different farms and they'd make a single delivery to you.

Since then I have seen several startups attempt to execute on variations of this idea. Maybe they were too early and now its time.

sheddy25 3 days ago

This is really good, I am a foodie and cook a lot. How do ensure food safety for the vendors?

  • metalman 3 days ago

    swiss model, zero regulation for sales that are direct from the grower to the consumer, no middle men allowed in any form, hand to hand, as this allows for full vetting and any issue is one to one. Anything else is full regulated. just another grocery store.