mdhb 24 minutes ago

I consult with ecommerce companies more or less for a living and just wanted to say that I’ve never once seen Next used in a way that was an improvement in that context.

Maybe it’s just a function of as a consultant people don’t tend to call when everything is going smoothly but it’s by far the most common stack I see people get themselves stuck on over and over again in ways that lose the company insane amounts of money without them even realising why.

thisjeremiah 4 hours ago

It doesn't seem to persist the cart for me across browser refresh. But if I add something else to the cart, the whole cart comes back. Strange.

jamesy0ung 5 hours ago

Wow! That site is really fast.

  • echoangle 3 hours ago

    I don’t know if it’s ironic, but for me it is actually rather slow. When clicking on a category in the left bar, it takes about 2s to show, and if I press on a category in the right panel, it takes about 4s to show the subcategories. It feels really sluggish to be honest.

    • jamesy0ung 2 hours ago

      I'm using Firefox if that is relevant, and everything snaps up. There is literally no delay on any of the website for me.

anothername12 3 hours ago

Meh back and forward don’t preserve location

  • steve_adams_86 3 hours ago

    I find next apps are notorious for not respecting URL state. I’m not sure why. I’ve always disliked that and caching in next.

    Edit: in this case it seems to be working. Where are you seeing that issue?

    The cart is a little weird. The number of items in it can be wrong, and it can disappear.